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What is this all about??

Into the After is a story concept I've had floating around in my brain for a year or so. It follows Marion, a jaded and angry young woman who makes mail deliveries to the inhabitants of the After, aka the Afterlife. I've chosen to represent the Afterlife as a sort of continuation of life, just... seperated from the world of living people. In this universe, it looks like a bustling city.

My short film covers the basic premise of what I hope to develop into a longer story. It focuses on the main plot of Marion's charcacter arc: finding her father. One day when Marion was young, her father went into the After... and he never came back out. But Marion refused to believe he was gone for good.

When she got older Marion chose the same job, delivering mail to the dead. Anything to look for her father.

On one of her visits to the After, a familiar figure watches her from the crowded marketplace. But when Marion tries to get a closer look, the figure is gone. But he leaves a sign, proving to Marion that she's on the right track. 

By the end of this film, she's more determined than ever. 

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